Learning Lab: A Differentiated Nearpod Tutorial

Learning Lab: A Differentiated Nearpod Tutorial 

         This weekend, I was privileged to present Nearpod at the 2019 Vital Google Summit in Putnam County, Tennessee.  This is a fantastic conference, and it is completely free for teachers.  Now, a free conference seems like a fantasy, but this is 100% free to attend AND comes with a variety of sessions and vendors to visit.  
         The session, Using Nearpod to Build Visible Learners, was intended to expose teachers to the concept of Visible Learning and to encourage teachers to use Nearpod in the process.  I'd say the session we great, but the feedback was fantastic for reflecting and identifying ways to move forward in promoting EdTech.
         Alas, the self-paced, differentiated Learning Lab was born.  If you click on this image, the link will take you to the hyperdoc version of the document, complete with hyperlinks for almost every image on the page.  Just in case, read below for more information.

1. Create a presentation and make it a Nearpod. These links will take you to the Chrome extension for Nearpodize and the Slides Add On for Nearpod.  The third link takes you to Nearpod so that you can upload the file as a PDF.
2. Add content and activities in the Nearpod.  Remember, you don't want to use tech for tech's sake.  Use tech to further the learning intention and progress through the success criteria.  When you click to learn more, you will be linked to a self-paced Nearpod that reviews Google Integration.
3.  This section is intended to get you thinking about how to use Google Apps in the Nearpod by adding them as web content.  Take the link and add it as web content so that it will open for students in a new tab. 
4. This section is designed to get you thinking about other exciting EdTech elements.  Click the images to learn more about each element.  These are my current top ten resources, so make sure you check them out.  I'll be posting of each of these in the coming weeks so that you can see how I use them.

Want more?

This section links to four separate Nearpods that give further instruction based on specific elements.  If you complete the Nearpod, I'll check the data reports and send you a professional development certificate for your records around the 10th of each month. 
101 - For the basics, this explains Nearpod in general.
102 - This is about creating and editing Nearpods, and it guides you through creating them.  I recommend using split screen or separate tabs so that you can participate in the instruction and do the tasks along the way.
VR - Oh, yes, you want it.  This takes you through some of the great ways to use Nearpod VR in class and how to build it into the Nearpod.
Office - This will help explain Office Integration with Nearpod.  I'm a Google person, but I know that not everyone is.  
